There are many types of glaucoma but the most common type is called Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. This condition affects at least 1% of the population and is more common in older people, African Americans and those with diabetes or a family history of glaucoma. Treatmentoptions include eye drops, pills, laser therapy and surgery. The right choice for you will depend on the nature of your condition.
Laser therapy can be used in-office to improve drainage of fluid from the eye, but may need to be repeated. If glaucoma remains uncontrolled surgery may be needed.
In any case, your eye pressure needs to be checked regularly, ideally every three months. There are also acute forms of glaucoma in which the eye pressure suddenly rises causing redness, pain and vision loss. Warning signs before an attack include seeing haloes or rainbows around lights. This type of glaucoma will need to be treated with medications and/or laser therapy. read less