Madison Avenue Christian Church and Northern Kentucky University Nurse Advocacy Center is teaming up to provide flu shots for this poor this season. The Cincinnati Enquirer featured a story about the project on Saturday, October 2nd.
All are welcome to worship at Madison Avenue Christian Church on Sundays at 10:45 a.m.
Madison Avenue Christian Church and the Northern Kentucky University Nursing Program are raising money to provide low cost flu shots to the working poor and homeless this season. The goal is to provide 1,000 flu shots to those in need. Contribute by check or credit card by clicking here.
Our pantry shelves are bare and the demand is great right now for various food and personal care items. Items needed most are diapers, wipes, baby food, spaghetti, sauce, noodles, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, applesauce, canned chili and other family food items. We have plenty of canned vegetables but need other hearty meal items. Drop off your items during the week, Monday and Wednesdays during the evening or on Sundays during church.
Be a Part of the Good News of Jesus Christ by Feeding the Homeless and the Poor