What is the Louisville Snoring and Sinus Center?
The Louisville Snoring and Sinus Centers mission is to help people breathe better, more quietly, and more restfully. We provide many solutions that help decrease snoring and improve breathing. Our physician is experienced in all matters related to congested and blocked upper airways, the culprits in sleep related breathing problems.
We provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatment options for individuals who snore and individuals with nose and sinus problems. We work with a team of medical providers to provide comprehensive treatments for snoring and the more severe medical condition, sleep apnea.
We work with allergists, sleep labs, dentists, and weight loss specialists to offer personalized treatment plans for individuals suffering from sleep problems.
Snoring is a common problem experienced by both children and adults. Nearly 40 million adults in the United States are chronic snorers. The question is, who is the snoring bothering -- you or someone in your bed?
Snoring is noisy breathing resulting from partial blockage of the upper airway, anywhere from the nose, through the back of the throat, all the way to the windpipe. Blockage at any one or more than one area leads to a plugged airway. When airway blockage is complete, apnea (the lack of air flow) results. Repeated severe blockage may cause very poor sleep, a condition called sleep apnea. Those who suffer from sleep apnea often awake exhausted. Those who simply snore, may find their partner asleep in another room.
Take the snoring quiz - to determine if snoring is affecting the quality of your life and the quality of the life of the person you sleep with.
The Louisville Snoring and Sinus Center dedicates itself to the diagnosis and treatment of blocked airways. Many treatments are available in the office, sometimes at the same time as the initial consultation. In less than twenty minutes, many patients can undergo treatments that help snoring.
Are your ready to control your snoring? If so, call us today schedule a consultation today at the Louisville Snoring and Sinus Center.
Branches and additional offices:
(502) 244-844212420 Shelbyville Rd Louisville, KY 40243-1419
(502) 897-9560102 Fairfax Ave Louisville, KY 40207-4906
(502) 635-07791257 Goss Ave Louisville, KY 40217-1239