Walther, Roark & Gay, PLC is a Lexington, Kentucky law firm concentrating its practice in the fields of real estate law, employment law, education law, general civil litigation, bankruptcy law, collections law, governmental affairs, corporate law, and immigration law.
Walther, Roark & Gay, PLC handles large and small matters on behalf of individuals, businesses, and governmental entities.
Walther, Roark & Gay, PLC takes pride in providing prompt, professional, cost-effective services to our clients.
Walther, Roark & Gay, PLC, 163 East Main Street, Suite 200, P.O. Box 1598, Lexington, KY 40588-1598,
PH: (859) 225-4714, MAIN FAX: (859) 225-1493, REAL ESTATE FAX: (859) 225-7983, E-MAIL: info@wrgfirm.com